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Duck Dynasty: Seasons 4 - Blu-ray Review


4 stars

Quack!  Quack!  With the controversy (really?!) over patriarch Phil Robertson’s (shocking?!) comments safely tucked inside a crevice in the recent past, A&E rolls out Season 4 of America’s favorite bearded family.  Season 4?  Already?  While the math makes little sense (because the show premiered March 21, 2012), the show itself is a ratings phenomenon and A&E keeps striking while the iron is hot.

Duck Dynasty survives Robertson’s comments about homosexuality, bestiality, and the Jim Crowe South due to the fact that – however ironic it might seem to someone who only sees Phil as a monster or a racist or the evil supreme animal hater of all time – it’s main point is settled on the importance of (and the insanity caused by) family.  This close-knit family and their successful duck call business features Willie (CEO of Duck Commander), Jase (older brother), Phil, Si (Vietnam veteran and VERY funny uncle), their wives and others. It's a show about a very large family, their super wealthy Duck Commander business, and how they choose to connect and spend their time together.

Duck Dynasty: Season 4 is a well-oiled laugh-inducing machine.  By now, most people are aware of the premise and in its fourth season the show really takes off with an extended premiere that sees the family planning an anniversary wedding for their father and their mother, Miss Kay.  It’s a touching beginning to the 10-episode season.  Whoever the think tank is that comes up with the activities for the show has set a precedent for the rest of the series.  Season 4 includes racing a lawnmower and a mini-bike, making beef jerky out of spite, removing rank meat from a dead freezer, shooting bows and arrows, sniffing gas and faking an injury to get what you want.

While it becomes more and more evident that the show is somewhat scripted with scenarios and ideas for the family to do and react against, the inclusion of brother Jep (who seems to be more comfortable in front of the camera) combined with the comments from Jase and the antics of Si makes this season a winner.  A lot of territory is covered in each episode’s thirty minutes but never does it outlast its welcome.

Duck Dynasty, in spite of the controversy surrounding Phil’s comments, shows no sign of stopping.  Who knew there were so many good times to be had in the manufacturing of duck calls?

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Duck Dynasty: Seasons 4 - Blu-ray Review

Component Grades
Blu-ray Disc
4 stars
4 stars
Blu-ray Experience
4 stars


Blu-ray Details:

Available on Blu-ray - January 7, 2014
: English SDH, Spanish
English: DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0
Discs: 50GB Blu-ray Disc; Two-disc set (2 BDs)
Region Encoding: A

Duck Dynasty: Season 4 is presented on Blu-ray courtesy of Lionsgate Films and A&E with an AVC encoded 1080i transfer in 1.78:1.  Nice colors, strong contrast, and deep blacks kiss each episode.  The bulk of this presentation is sharp and well detailed, and the first person confessionals, which almost always feature the characters in close-up, offer great fine detail.  As stated earlier, colors are natural looking and well saturated.  A perfectly fine lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 mix is attached to each disc and handles the narration and dialogue well enough.



  • None

Special Features:

Hold on to your hunting hats, folks.  There’s not a lot of meat on the bone with this release.  Fans get some webisodes and some deleted scenes featuring Si.  While worth it, there really needs to be a bit more on this 2-disc set.

  • Webisodes (10 min)
  • Deleted Scenes (10 min)

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